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Tomatidine and now NMN banned?

Years ago, back in 2007 I sustained a pretty nasty head injury. Long story short, I couldn't run or exercise worth a darn without getting sick and dizzy. I tried different supplements and Tomatidine actually worked. While taking it I was able to barely pass PT tests then around 2010 it was banned and I was back to failing PT tests and by 2014 I was separated from the military. That one miracle supplement had made it possible for me to perform and it was banned. Now they're banning NMN? Is there a country to move to that doesn't ban supplements that work? It's easier to buy crack than it is to get green tomato seed extract.

contagious yawning

Why do you think contagious has a social modulation? For example: Norscia I, Zanoli A, Gamba M, Palagi E. Auditory Contagious Yawning Is Highest Between Friends and Family Members: Support to the Emotional Bias Hypothesis. Front Psychol. 2020 Apr 3;11:442. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00442. PMID: 32317997; PMCID: PMC7147458. Do you think yawning could be a primitive form of empathy?

Should Parents Allow Minors to Drink Alcohol at Home?

Many parents who allow minors to drink in their home THINK/CLAIM that doing so sets them up for safer experiences with alcohol in the future. ("They're going to do it anyway and I want them to learn their limits in the safety of our home.") My understanding is that research has shown the opposite - i.e., that permissive attitudes by parents is connected with a greater risk of alcohol harm and future dependence. I think neuroscience has also shown that teen brains are particularly susceptible to damage from alcohol...and that, if someone IS going to drink a toxic poison, they should wait until they are 21 or older to minimize the risk to the still-developing brain. I suspect that many parents (a) have not listened to your incredible 8/22/22 episode on alcohol and still think alcohol is either good for you or not that bad, (b) desperately want to be the "cool" parents, and/or (c) have such cognitive dissonance on the topic and don't want to look like a hypocrite.

Liver King eye damage

I'd really like to see what a real doctor has to say about the damage to his eye. If there is a fix for it or anything.

Waking up tired

Why is it that no matter what time I go to sleep/wake up, I always feel tired and groggy for the first 30min of waking, and what are some tools I can implement to prevent this.