For decades we have understood the application of ice to musculoskeletal injury was indicated for treatment. Primarily for the reduction of cellular metabolism to perhaps slow secondary cell death. What is the most up-to-date science on the application of ice to both acute and chronic inflammation?
I am a college student and practically live off adderall and Red Bull. I stop caffeine intake 12 hours before sleep and take my medications as prescribed. At night I will be extremely tired but always find myself tossing and turning. What are some tips to actually fall asleep when I can’t while being extremely tired?
I know that MTOR restrictions appear to improve longevity. I know that rapamycin appear to improve longevity in mouse models by restricting MTOR and restricting muscle growth. I also know that you need muscle growth as you grow older to improve longevity. What is the best we know about the balance? What does the literature say? Is there a consensus on how much resistance training you should do? I admit, I enjoy resistance training, should you get to a certain growth and then maintain it? Will maintenance work without stimulating heavy MTOR? Is there anything that will clean out the mis-folded proteins in the cell, for example fasting? Is there an objective balance between fasting to remove "zoombie cells" and fasting where you are attacking healthy muscle cells. Has any of this been tested in vitro or animal models? Thanks