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Creatine + Garlic?

Should Creatine be taken with Garlic and are either of those or together bad for Kidneys? My eGFR (Crea,CKD-EPI) is around 80 ml/min/1,73m2, but should be over 90 (Europe), this is why I assume, that my kidneys are not fully functional, but not sure how to check my kidney health in more detail.

Alternative Medicine

Acupuncture, Cupping, Herbal Remedies, Reflexology

Nausea from Magnesium

I would like to take Magnesium for muscles cramps (foot and Levator Ani), mild anxiety and general health but it makes me nauseous. After terrible nausea from the full dose, I have reduced it to 1/4- 1/2 the recommended dose of Magnesium Bis-gycinate and still experience at least some nausea and bowel discomfort. Is this common and how can I still take Magnesium without these unwanted side effects?

Anxiety symptoms without anxiety?

I have been experiencing physiological symptoms of anxiety (slight dizziness, tingling in extremities, heart racing) for 2 decades WITHOUT feeling anxious in my life. Strangely, when I have a major stressor they do not appear at all. I have had many tests run (Thyroid, cardiac, etc.) and there seems to be no identifiable cause. Could it be paradoxical in that one can experience anxiety symptoms only when there is NOT anything to be anxious about? Signed - very frustrated, "type a" high achiever


I have learnt many things from your podcast thanks. There is a lady Ive been working with for more than two years now. however I found out last night she is allergic to the sun. I tried to ask her what causes it exactly and she replied “the sun”. There has to be more to that answer. I want to help her. There must be a reason. I googled and peer review recé arched it and it’s mostly coming up with ‘solar urticaria‘. I couldn’t know for sure. She is only about 35-40 (I think) but breaks out in blisters from the sun. We work on a mine site in australia up north and the sun is very strong here. Do you think you could figure out the cause of this so I can try and figure out a treatment? She’s so lovely but has to cover her face with makeup and suncream to try and block out as much as possible. May you please look into this for me? Google said there is no treatment but there must be a way.