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Scientific Basis for Praying in Tongues or Glossolalia?

Hi Dr. Huberman, I am a a huge fan of your work. As a bible-believing and faith proclaiming Christian, I would like to hear about your thoughts regarding the phenomena of speaking in tongues or glossolalia from a neuroscience perspective. If you could cover the how it works in the brain, it would be great.

Lithium supplements

What are your thoughts on lithium supplements to help stabilize and elevate mood?

Science of Compassion

Would you consider having James R. Doty on the podcast?

Cortisol - early in morning - What happens to cortisol if i stay in bed 1.5 hr THEN get up?

I have trouble getting out of bed right away. I know it increases cortisol to get me up and moving if i just get up, however i have a really hard time! What happens if i lay in bed for 1-1.5 hours, then get up? Does my cortisol spike up at that time the same as if i were to get up right away? Or is the peak not as high? Secondly, if the peak is just as high in either scenario ( up right way or in bed 1.5 hr), then would there be any less motivation/ activation of my body throughout the day, despite the same increase in my morning spike of cortisol?


Please comment on your experience around inflammation with this chemical