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Myopic degeneration

Is there anything I can do for this, I am highly myopic and now experience vitreous fluid detachment creating floaters and my retinal specialist at nyu seems to think there is nothing on my end I can do. I am a very healthy 51 year old woman who is terrified of this progressing .

Cold Exposure with early morning fitness

I currently am awake at 4am, at the gym by 5am most days. This hinders the ability to do cold exposure. I do an cold plunge on my off days, but could I do cold exposure in the evening when training in the morning? When would the optimum time to get cold exposure on days you train? Thanks!

How can one exert control over their libido?

There have been various periods of my life in which it would have been beneficial to have more libido and sex drive (starting a new relationship as an example). Conversely, there are periods of my life where decreased libido would be beneficial (exiting a relationship and taking time for self work as an example). What are protocols one can use to deliberately shift the needle on their arousal one way or the other?

Caffeine and Supplements

I’ve heard that one should wait 2 hours after ingesting caffeine before taking any supplements. The premise is that it would result in malabsorption. Is this correct, and does it apply to all supplements such as Omega 3, vitamin D, C, B’s, E, Copper, Magnesium, Lutein and Zéaxanthine?

Milk and Dairy, good bad and ugly?

Hello Andrew, I would love to hear what kind of research you have viewed to do with dairy specifically on milk another dairy products, pasteurize and non-pasteurized the health benefits health risks etc. I stopped consuming dairy for about eight years, and although it was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, one doctor advised me to start consuming dairy again which I did, and less than a year later my hyperthyroidism has gone away.