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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Pineal Cysts

Do you have any insight on the causes of cysts on the pineal gland, why they are more common in women, and potential effects of such cysts?

High RHR/Lowering RHR

Does a high resting heart rate (a heart rate between 90-110) have short-term or long-term impact o health and longevity? Are there any tools/protocols to effectively lower RHR?


What is the mechanism for hiccups?

Best routines

Episode on the best science-based routine that we have so far, like waking up to sunrise lamp light, taking mindful breaths, drinking electrolyte water with glycine and other supplements (should they be in the water overnight), seeing morning sunlight grounded with sun salutation yoga etc :)


Dear Dr. Huberman, I am seeking your expertise to understand the etiology and potential treatments for paruresis, commonly referred to as "shy bladder syndrome." My inquiry specifically pertains to the neurological and neurochemical aspects of this condition. 1.Etiology of Paruresis: Could you elucidate the neuromodulators and neurotransmitters involved in the onset of paruresis? Understanding whether certain pathways are activated or inhibited during the manifestation of this condition would be greatly insightful. 2.Treatment Options: Are there any established pharmacological treatments for paruresis? Specifically, I am curious to know if medications exist that can effectively block or mitigate the symptoms of this condition. 3.Accessibility of Medications: Are there any over-the-counter options available that can alleviate paruresis without the need for a doctor's prescription? 4.Role of SSRIs and Benzodiazepines: In your professional opinion, can SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) or benzodiazepines play a role in the treatment of paruresis? If so, how effective are they in clinical practice? 5.Additional Resources and Preventative Measures: Could you recommend any resources for further information on paruresis? Additionally, are there any known strategies or practices that individuals can adopt to prevent or reduce the severity of this condition? 6.Prognosis and Curability: Based on your experience and the current state of medical research, is paruresis considered a condition that can be completely cured, or is management and symptom reduction the primary goal of treatment? I understand that the scope of my inquiry may be extensive. Please feel free to address these points at your discretion or provide guidance based on your expertise. The outlined bullet points are meant to guide the discussion, but I welcome any insights you can offer on this topic. Thank you for your time and consideration in addressing these questions.