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Gaming Addiction

Greetings i would like to ask and request a explaination or a guide on how can someone beat gaming addiction or if he's a parent how can he drive his child away from gaming addiction and keep him in control of his gaming hours and enjoying real world activities ? im asking also for me because im planning to start studying soon and i feel that my ability to focus have vanished through the years i have been gaming in and finally when i came back to try to focus, i can't complete 2 sentences without my mind drifting away. can you please provide with exercises to do to increase the focus while we are coping with the gaming addiction retrieval in the same time ?

Male vs Female brain

Would you please consider this interesting topic? From the one cell that divides…. one for gut one for brain (& women have longer intestines?) to women having more speech ‘thingys’ (sorry!!) than men so men more likely to lose speech if they have a stroke. Why girls seem to develop faster in the early years. There are so many things flying around on the differences, it would be amazing for us all to know what they really are and why. Thank you for your interest in my question ;)

Is meditation really for everyone?

Prof. Huberman, in a recent AMA someone asked about your morning meditation practice and your replied by describing the distance-time/task switching support practice. I also know you practice the NSDR. What I wish to ask is whether you have been successful in becoming a detached and passive observer of your thoughts. Being a scientist myself I know how challenging it can be to relax the analytic mind that wants to analyze and interpret the activity of the brain, but isn't this what genuine meditation is about? Would you share your experiences with attempting to still the mind for a period of at least 20 mintues, for example.

IBS and Mental Health

What is your knowledge on curing IBS through mental training? There are now many apps and practices going around saying that IBS is usually not actually physical but instead a reaction to stressors and various other reasonings. What is your approach on this and do you recommend trying one of these methods? Does the research actually support this approach?

Why is visceral fat bad?