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Tech question

As a video production geek I am curious about your setup: lighting; camera control etc. Do you have an assistant or do you control it all by yourself.

Life coaches vs therapists

Is there something in between? I would like to work on my body declining performance issues, menopause was a bitch and gain confidence more, I’m always so caring for others, I stifle myself constantly…does this even make sense? Pondering a life coach but maybe I need therapy who knows it’s all so confusing sometimes.


Hi, Perimenopause is slapping me around and my endocrinologist gave me DHEA. I would love to learn more about it, what it does to my body, especially to my other hormones and what the best dosage would be. Thank you

Why Ads? In Premium?!

Why do we still see and hear you read the ad scripts on your premium channel? Did i miss the level of monthly or yearly support that provides an ad free experience?

what is the right frequency in which we should be wearing sunscreen

do we have to wear sunscreen everyday or just when we're gonna be exposed to the sun for longer periods? what is the research on the use of sunscreen and skin cancer?