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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Vitamin D and the immune system

I just listened to your latest premium podcast on respiratory illnesses in the fall and winter and I didn’t hear mention of the low levels of Vitamin D that usually occur when the daylight lessens. Do you believe that this documented fact could also lead to the increased susceptibility to respiratory illnesses?

An overview of Heart Rate Variability

I would love it if Prof Huberman would do a podcast on HRV. He has mentioned it many times, but I think a full session on this complex phenomenon would be of great interest to many listeners

Gary Brecka

Do you plan on having Gary Brecka on the podcast?

Remote Viewing & Mind Reading

What do you think about it? Do you think people can detect and decipher each others brain waves?

What about shame?

First of all, thank you very much for your work. And second of all, i am french cacadian… english is not my first langage… hope its understandable! Could you tell us about shame from a neurobiology/neurochemistry perspective? No guilt... just shame. Its effects on the brain, the rest of the body, and motivational systems I am a clinical psychologist. It appears to me, in my practice, that this emotion is much more difficult to regulate than other so-called "negative" emotions. It seems to strongly inhibit the ability of individuals to develop their potential, as if it caused a "shutdown" of capacities, systems, almost of the order of the survival of identity, of the psychic self. In light of your research and that of your guests, what advice could you offer us in order not to make this emotion disappear, but to make it less devastating? especially in situations of chronic shame.