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How are menstrual cycles linked to illness?

Hi, I’ve been listening to the AMA on winter months and sickness and it’s pushed me to ask a question. Are there studies on whether the menstrual cycle has an impact on when you are more likely to get ill, in any given month? And if so, are there any protocols/ supplements which can reduce the chances of illness? Many Thanks, Becky

Sexual life/dreams

I tried to have sex with the two sexes in an active way i ejaculate normally but i don't have any satisfaction in my brain is there a way or ways i can cure it? I have second question less important when i go for sleep and i'm in a state between sleep and awake i listen to radio from my brain then i sleep it's black out then i wake up and again the radio starts when i'm in the state between ( the radio it's a flow of thoughts the duration it's about 5 to 10 second in the morning it can be more ) can you explain me what is all about ?

AMA 13 immune response to a bacteria like E. coli

I read the whole study from Kox 2014 and Zwaag 2022. Where do you find the evidence that the E.Coly stayed longer in the blood? When doing the WHM breathing. Thanks

Flexibility protocol frequency

Hey Professor Huberman, question on stretching frequency. When suggesting the 5 min / muscle / week, does that mean that in practice, you will likely need to stretch for a block of 5 - 10 minutes multiple days per week to see progress (when accounting for all big muscle groups)? In other words, if I do a protocol where I stretch quads for 30 seconds at a time, repeated 3x, and then the same for hamstrings, that is only 90 seconds per muscle (split between left and right side; totaling ~6 mins) (This reflects the protocol posted on the newsletter for the stretching protocol podcast). I would need to do that 3 - 4 times in a week to hit the 5 minute minimum, correct?

Lipedema - impacting 10% of women - estrogen triggered

Dear Dr Andrew Huberman First of all I would like to thank you for your continuous service to the community providing holistic summary to each topic you discuss in your podcast! I’m wondering if there is a possibility of addressing “lipedema/lipoedema” in general and also in the context of fertility/infertility/hormonal contraceptives/egg freezing? It effects 10% of women, most of them they’re even not aware of it. The condition seems to estrogen induced. I’m pharmacist but struggling to find reliable source of information on the topic without any biases and on the other hand as I patient often get misjudged, even from people knowing me because of lack of understanding. I feel your platform and knowledge could bring more clarity and at least more empathy through upskilling people on the topic. Thank you for your time in advance! Best regards Alexandra