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AG1 for kids

On the website, AG1 says it doesn't recommend anyone under 18 take AG1 without consulting a doctor. From your knowledge about the ingredients, are there any red flags that you see in giving this to kids? What would you consider a safe dosage per lb. of body weight? I ask because I see recommendations for supplements for kids, and a lot of what's recommended is all wrapped up in AG1 already (aside from D3/K2), and the probiotics are great as well. What do you think?

Episode suggestion: Neurofeedback

Dear Andrew, Could you consider please to invite Dr. Talma Hendler for the podcast and discuss together about her Neurofeedback research?

Subscriber event in December?

Wondering if it got scheduled, did not see any follow up on this after original mention of event.

Research on psilocybin as a treatment of Autoimmunity

What do you know and how can this substance be helpful for Autoimmunity? Because autoimmunity is a problem with the immune system, could it be helpful for all or just specific kinds of autoimmunity? Would it matter what organs/body system(s) are the victim of the autoimmunity? Where would one find out more information/great research on this? THANK YOU!!!!!

How to adhere to exercise and healthy eating and not fall off the wagon?

Apologies if this has already been covered (just started listening to podcasts this year so there is a lot of catching up to do). Why is it so difficult to stick with exercise and healthy eating consistently? I've been an intermittently health-conscious individual for the past twenty years or so. I will exercise and eat sensibly for several months but then eventually fall off the wagon again (can last a few years). If exercise and good nutrition actually make me feel good physically and mentally, why would my body/mind tell me to do otherwise? It's like my body and brain got numb to feeling good because I got used to it. Is there a way to overcome or re-wire this? Or is it simply a discipline issue? Apparently my body doesn't care what my mind thinks or knows. I feel and see positive results and strongly believe in taking great care of myself, I actually enjoy it. But the visceral desire to go against that always re-surfaces at some point. Disclosure: I am 49 and female so I'm assuming that hormones complicate this problem. But I imagine men experience the same challenges with sticking to nutritious food and exercise (my husband most certainly does). Thank you.