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Improve attention to detail

I am a military aviator. There are a lot of moving parts and problems to solve simultaneously. Checklists help, but often there is not enough time to safely look down and reference a checklist. Are there ways to improve overall attention to detail?

amateur boxing - repetitive blows to the head

recently head gear was removed from amateur elite males world wide. Women still have head gear on. Any research on how/if repetitive blows (minor concussions) over time effect the brain and maybe turn out as some would say, 'punch drunk/ punchy'. Thank you

Vitamin intake Timing

Is there an studies or papers on the effects of timing or spacing out when you ingest vitamin supplements? Is there any benefit to space out vitamin intake? Also other than stomach discomfort, is there any negative side effects to taking vitamins all at once?

Second Order Effects of Opioid Addiction (5+ years) - Neurological Effects, Brain Function & Brain Structure

I'm a recovered opioid addict. What are some of the possible effects that fentanyl, oxycodone, diacetylmorphine, and the like had on my overall cognitive function, brain structure, pain perception, emotional regulation, or other notable categories not mentioned?

How to increase neuroplasticity in early recovery.

I am a recovering heroin addict with 9 years clean. I work full time helping others to get clean and sober doing everything from interventions, to working with the homeless. Many have developed riged negative thought/behavior patterns. What are some science based protocols or supplements I can recommend to help increase new neural pathways geared toward positive behavior during therapy/rehab. Thank you -Richie Webber :)