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Acid reflux / GERD / LPR / Hiatal Hernia best practises

Can you discuss the advancements and best practices to deal with chronic GERD resulting from dietary habits and anatomical issues (e.g., Hiatal Hernia Type 2)?


Do you have tips for how to optimize your health when starting family planning?

History & Science of Epigenetics

I would love to hear about the science of epigenetics. What's the history of it (how has it evolved) and where does it stand today (how is it held by the scientific community and what are the main areas of focus)? What are the science-based findings vs. what are the commonly held misperceptions (i.e., social media gets ahold of a scientific nugget and makes it a fact)? Are there any seminal books and/or articles on the subject that you'd recommend? Thanks!

Yoga Nidra Study

A recent study in India has reintroduced yoga nidra to the world. Any plans to do a more in-depth episode on its (limited) findings, maybe with an expert or someone from the study?

Speed Limit' on Healthy Aging, Is it true? Urolithin

How about the validity of molecule called Urolithin A that recent studies claim it can put a Speed Limit' on Healthy Aging