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Hormonal IUDs — Short and Longterm Impacts

What are the potential health trade-offs of getting a hormonal IUD for women in their 30s? There seems to be limited reliable data that’s easily findable and understandable on this topic. I couldn’t find much searching your website. I’m a 31 year old female trying to identify the best path forward in managing a disruptive menstrual cycle. In this context, “disruptive” means PMS symptoms that significantly negatively impact ~8 days every month, and create an unsustainable lifestyle. Normal doctors have no value-add when this has been discussed with them.

Book recommendation to learn the basics of neuroscience

What are books you'd recommend to get into the basics of neuroscience? I want to really learn it from the ground up.

Tools to treat Motion Sickness

Are there any protocols or tools to treat motion sickness or claustrophobia

Nasal Irrigation: What's the deal?

Is it symptom relief, or does it reduce the frequency and duration of upper respiratory tract infections? Does it help with allergies? What are the best methods of administration? Neti pot? Nasal flush machine?

Albinism, Light Perception & Sleep

What is the interplay between albinism, light perception and disordered sleep, and what protocols might be useful for this client group?