Dr. Huberman, I started Clomiphene and Anastrozole in the summer of '21. I almost immediately became aware of an anxiety that I had never experienced before. As time went on, I also started to notice that my ability to recollect information or retain information was dismal. Neither of these things are natural for me. I have historically had somewhat of a "photographic" memory. I didn't put together, right away, that it might be the medication and continued that course for about 6-7 months, before deciding to quit and see what happened to those symptoms. I became a much less anxious person over the course of the next month or so, but I still have what I would consider a degraded memory. I often find myself searching for words, multiple times in one conversation, forgetting/stumbling for names of people that I have known really well for significant periods of time, etc. I really hadn't put any of these things together until I saw the episode of you and Dr. Kyle Gillett. My question is, is it known whether I will regain my faculties or anything I can do or take to help the process? I have recently been looking into things like Phenylpiracetam, as it seems relatively promising in some of the studies they have done with patients with past ischemic strokes, etc. Is this compound something that you would trust? Thank you.