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What is epigenetics and can we help turn on or off genes?

Apologies if the second half of the question is stupid, but I would really like to understand what epigenetics is. To give you an example, I have the FAT gene but I've been lean all my life. Is this the result of epigenetic changes? And if so, does that mean that this gene could get "turned on" by something later in life?

MTHFR genetic mutation

Been so much talk of the MTHFR genetic mutation over the past few years, and I recently heard on another podcast that of you have the mutation, NO SSRI's or SNRI's are ever going to work for you. Can't be true because I have the mutation and fluoxetine worked for me for over 27 years. What's your take on the MTHFR mutation?

Nettle Leaf

Seems like I remember something bad about nettle leaf from one of your podcasts. Do you remember that?

Ketogenic diet, how to get in it fast, how to stay in it. What are the benefits in the literature?

I would like to start a ketogenic diet and would like you to cover some of this important questions. Best regards

HRV, coherence, vagal nerve enhancement

Can you discuss the relationship between these three. Your toolkits mention techniques that seem to point toward HRV , coherence and the vagus nerve but are not mentioned specifically. Thank