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Video Podcasting on Spotify

I was wondering if it was possible to do video podcasts on spotify. I realize that you post on YouTube and I don’t know if it is a hassle to set upon Spotify, but the premium version of YouTube is much more expensive than Spotify to download and listen. I understand if this isn’t possible or reasonable as I’m not well versed in podcasting on these sites, but I think it would be very helpful to those who would like to listen on this site or have the option at least. Thank you for your efforts in advancing science and making it mainstream.

What are the consequences/outcomes of Medicare's decision not to pay for Annual Physicals?

Medicare pays for a yearly "wellness exam" where balance, eyesight, hearing, memory, mental state are tested. IT IS NOT A PHYSICAL. If anything about a general health concern is discussed you have to pay for the exam. Physical exams are not paid for. So systems examined, visual exam and hands on physical exam are not done. One has to recognize a problem or that multiple small issues are a big problem and make an appointment with the PCP specific to that problem to discuss it and have it paid for. I believe my Husband's Parkinson's would have been diagnosed and treated many years before it was if he had a yearly physical exam. A knowledgeable PCP would have picked up some of his many subtle symptoms that were not recognized in annual wellness exams. Until symptoms manifest enough to show up in one of the standardized testing sections of the the Annual Wellness Exam, everything is just chalked up to getting old and patients themselves don't recognize when things are NOT a normal part of aging or "important enough" to call for a PCP appointment. Is there any research on the consequences/outcomes of elderly patients not being examined for physical health abnormalities and discussing "issues" that are not troublesome enough to make an appointment because they don't get an annual physical exam?

The best pregnancy outcome possible

Hello Dr. Huberman, My husband and I are about to start our third journey into parenthood. There is a plethora of misinformation about what pregnant women need to do for their health and the health of their offspring; among these contingencies include vitamins and minerals, what exercises are safe, what foods are safe, cold and heat exposure, etc… Just as an example, all doctors tell women to take folic acid. This isn’t a nutrient found on planet earth. It is grown in a laboratory, and I have come to understand that the body cannot digest it however we need folate which is abundant in other sources than prenatal vitamins and over-the-counter tablets. I would rather have a fighting chance with postpartum and pre-partum depression and I haven’t seen any compelling evidence or protocols to help jumpstart my pregnancy journey mentally. Bringing a life into the world is a harrowing journey and I would really rather have a handle on it. Can you help families around the world out and hit us with some information and protocols, sir? Thank you for your time and effort to provide reachable science to implement into lives.

Finding unique purpose after 40

Dear Professor, Huberman I was fascinated by your interview with Robert Greene, where he said that finding your unique purpose in life at a later age (older than 40) is very hard or even impossible. He compared it to digging for buried bones. As someone who has achieved so much in your field, I wonder how you would approach this challenge. If you were uncertain about your career or passion, what would be the best tools, methods, exercises, or books that you would use to find your true calling, as he advised? I would appreciate any insights or recommendations you could share with me.

Rewiring the brain

Please explain the concept of "neurons that fire together wire together." How does this work in real -time. Please give examples. How can this concept be used to rewire the brain?