My husband has high cholesterol and we are worried about the side effects of statins, despite Dr Sinclair taking them. He has never done a fasting blood test, and has now reduced alcohol intake to zero. Is it strange that his doctor would not insist on a fasting blood test? Is it confirmed that high cholesterol does not come from foods that are high in it? His doctor said he would have to go on a full vegetarian diet to lower it without statins. Can you please elaborate on any studies or knowledge you may have. He has a family history of high cholesterol however his father now has neuropathy in both legs which I believe is a probably side effect from decades use of statins.
Hi I’m a 63 year old fairly fit and otherwise healthy person. Shocked to get an osteoporosis diagnosis. I have never taken HRT and perhaps should have. Is it too late to start and what can I do to reverse osteoporosis? I am active and use resistance training fairly regularly and have done for most of my life. Do I eat more protein?? What can I do?
Sleep is our most important state for recovery and learning. Is there anything you're aware of that I can consume before bed to increase function in sleep? Is vasodilation good or bad? And I also wonder specificly about ketone esters.