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mind body connection regarding death

I have just seen the funeral service of a leading German politician. During the ceremony, his daughter described the past months and told an almost unbelievable story: two months ago, the doctors alerted the whole family that the man would probably die in the next few hours. So the family set out to say goodbye. On arrival, however, the husband told his daughter that he could not leave yet because his wife needed him and he had promised her that he would not leave her alone; he said he would hang on for now. Over the past two months, he then went to various appointments and visited some of his most important places and people to say goodbye. After this was done, the daughter talked to her father and said that no one could ask him to do what he could not physically do himself. This convinced the man. Finally, on Christmas Eve, he thanked his family and urged them to stick together, saying that he was letting go now that he had fulfilled his duties. He died the next day surrounded by his family. I am now interested in whether there is any data on the connection between body and spirit in the face of death.

Is the acid in coffee a bad thing?

I have listened to the benefits of coffee, but I also hear the acid in coffee is not good for us, is this true and if so how do we get rid of the acid in coffee, while still preserving the benefits and flavor? Thank you so much Andrew Joe

Anterior Mid-Cingulate Cortext

Re: title above - I vote it's common use name be changed to "The Goggins Structure"

Neurobiology of confidence

Is there a neurobiological aspect to confidence? If so, what are the things we an do to increase it?

Kombucha... is it or is it not?

I recently turned to kombucha as an alternative to diet soda, that I used to consume in moderation. I do not believe in 'superfoods' or hyped miracle food - I know Kombucha is very hyped at the moment, but my question is more specific: there is quite a bit of added sugars and bottles have an average of 50cal/500ml. OK, sugar is also essential for fermentation, but does this additional sugar added to make it more 'palatable' overshadows all the slim benefits of the drink? Because then I would have to add club soda to yogurt and drink my version of the doogh - lol Happy new year everyone !