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Factorial Analysis of Sarcopenia by decade

Hi. I'm wanting to look in to the factors that impact ageing and muscle mass in our 40's, 50's, 60's etc. Do you know of any research in this area and can you recommend any sources? I'm really interested in the factorial analysis of what impacts sarcopenia in adults, not to "combat ageing" per se, but to help adjust and adapt to enable the best possible chances of musculo-skeletal adaptations as we age. THANK YOU!

Reading Kindle at night

My wife wakes up in the middle of the night and reads her Kindle for a while before going back to sleep. I badger her (lovingly) to Yoga Nidra (or NSDR) as I assume the Kindle light (even if dim) has to be messing with her sleep. What are your thoughts on Kindle reading both before bed and in the middle of the night/morning? Thank you!

Demyelination and Multiple Sclerosis

Prof. Huberman, In the light of some personal encounters, I came across some cases of neurological and autoimmune diseases that seem to be not always related to lifestyles or genes. They appear due to COVID and other viruses when one's own immune system starts attacking myelin - the precious cover of the nerve cells. Can you dwell on autoimmune diseases and, specifically, multiple sclerosis? Are there any proven lifestyle interventions that could help reverse the disease and restore affected brain areas? Thanks so much in advance. And thank you for all your service to humanity!

Happy light

Hi Dr. Huberman, I have been your follower for the past year and have benefited tremendously. A huge THANK YOU and Happy New Year. My friends and I suffered from winter blue badly last year, and it hit us again this winter. I have struggled to find a proper happy light with meaningful luminance and lux. What is the science/available literature behind this light therapy? What kind of light bulb, what is the required power, watts, color temperature, and light spectrum? What is the protocol to use them, watch it directly? or indirectly? for 10 or 30 minutes? I sincerely hope there is a special AMA that covers it, many ppl will benefit from it. Sincerely Chiman

“You are what you eat”

Hey! I just started watching the TV show called “You Are What You Eat”. I was just curious if you had talked about the findings from that show on your podcast? Also, thank you for all that you do on your podcast as well as being a guest on other podcasts. I hope you have a great week!