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Impact of screen time on the development of the brain

How does screen time affect the development of the brain in babies toddlers and young adults?


I am a psychologist and have had an influx of clients & parents of teenagers who either call themself Non Binary or are transitioning both teenagers & adults. Is it possible to interview a health professional who specialises in this area, especially information on hormones and long term effects if any. Not sure of increased cancer risks. Many thanks

Mushroom based Supplements

What are your thoughts on and do you take mushroom based Supplements? (Lionsmane, Chaga, Mushroom Blends, etc.)

Reading Scientific Papers

How do you go about reading/evaluating scientific and research papers?

humor & memory

Humor has long been a near and dear friend of mine - getting me through the best and worst of times. I have often found it also helps me when I am learning new concepts (I am in grad school getting my PhD). So, whenever possible, I try to associate or reframe a concept into something funny so that I can understand and remember it better. Interestingly enough, humorous examples also help when I am teaching a concept (e.g., statistics) and need an illustration to solidify the notion...or prime students with a basic understanding before things get complex. Side note: all types of humor seem to work - silly, dry, witty, dark, sarcastic, word play, etc. Building on this, do you know of any scientific research that examines and/or could explain any of this? I assume it has something to do with emotional salience, but I would love to know the mechanisms underlying this process (if there are any). Any and all information would be appreciated!