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rTMS protocol for ADHD, targeting emotional un-regulation (RSD)

Dear Andrew, I am a 59 year old healthy female who has suffered from MDD the past 8 years and have been taking anti-depressants since 35 for non-situational depression, I also take ADHD meds. I received rTMS October, 2023, and it helped my depression for about a month and then the MDD returned. I have been researching since to find the root of why my treatable depression turned into untreatable MMD in my 50s. I have recently found info that clicked for me on Menopausal women with ADHD. The combination of low levels of Dopamine, Estrogen and Progesterone reek havoc.. I was taking HRT but I was diagnosis with Breast Cancer in 2021, so no more HRT. My question: Are you aware of any rTMS protocols for ADHD and specifically RSD? I live in Canada. I had the New French rTMS protocol. Thank you for your consideration.


Does microwaving food really damage the nutritional benefits of the food?

clinician referral

hello! i recently listened to the ADHD and how anyone can improve their focus. Such a great episode, so informative and well organized - thank you. I listened bc I have a 19 yo son with ADHD. You mentioned a colleague/friend on the episode who is a specialist in ADHD and was a source for your episode. Can you share the name of the clninician as a possible resource for treatment and /or information on supplementation and other interventions? It is so difficult to find qualified physicians to treat this condition. In all the years of researching and treatment, I have yet to come across a resource or person who articulated the condition and treatment as well as you did. Thank you. I would appreciate any information you could provide. Thank you.

supplements for increased focus

you mentioned phosphatidylserine as a good supplement for ADHD/Focus...and in other episodes you recommend tyrosine, Alpha GPC and others...along with omega 3...and you suggest taking tyrosine, alpha GPC pre workout (cognitive or physical). do you recommend all equally? could you safely take all? can you take these supplements with adderall?

Blocked nose from cold wind on the face

Loved the podcast on cold and flu. There are times we don’t have a full blown cold but have symptoms like blocked nose, scratchy throat, and cold hands, feet. My observation for myself and some folks around me is that it happens when wind blows in your face - either outside or if you have a ceiling or table fan. This can mean someone with a ceiling fan could have difficulty breathing while sleeping. How can one work around this?