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Greg Graffiin

When will you have your colleague Proffessor Greg Gaffin on? I believe you run in some like circles, Rick Ruben can make the introduction.. not that you need it.. Thank You for what you do for the common man Dr. Huberman!

AMCC, Goggins

Really enjoy the Goggins's interview. Question: Knowing that doing something one doesn't like (but necessary) will increase AMCC, will this reduce the effectiveness of it? In other words, ok, I know I don't like this task but I know it will help to maintain AMCC health, which could reduce the dislikeness. Doesn't it reduce the effectness when compared with not knowing... Thank you!

Anti-Inflammation Supplements hinder Resistant Training Adaptation?

I recently heard it said on a fitness podcast that taking anti-inflammation or anti-oxidant supplements can hinder the desired adaptation response from resistance training. I take curcumin & vitamin C. I would love to hear your thoughts on this concept, and ideally, about various anti-inflammation/oxidation supplements

Green Coffee Bean Extract

Do you think this is effective as a metabolism booster and stimulant? Thank you for all you!

Neuro-Divergent and Neuro-Atypical Healing

I have schizoaffective, ptsd, possibly autism. some similar was asked 2/mo ago. science definitely has a gaping blind spot for us abnormal brianed folks. my question.. other than exercise, meditation/hypnosis, sunlight, sleep, the other protocols we worship, and taking our Rx. what can we do to live our lives the fullest? play down our symptoms, despite? healing is a dead dream for most of us. look into dr. amen's neuro-clinic, woo-woo or legit? thank you