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This is about your information on how music affects the brain.

I am with a global non profit, and 1 of the things we have done is research sounds and how it affects the brain. The partner that creates the music, the musician, has even created heavy metal tracks.....for SLEEP. They work quite well. Thanks! How can we offer information to add to your research perhaps?

Please provide a full episode on EMFs

Some scientists have done research that suggests the EMF exposure we get from our phones, wifi and bluetooth are harmful to our health down to the cellular level, leading to cancer risk, damage to the pineal gland, etc. The telecom industry has worked hard to discredit this research. I absolutely love my Apple Watch and phone and am exposed to wifi in my house all day long. The router unfortunately is in a closet next to my bedroom. My friends who follow the science believe my Apple Watch is harmful, even in airplane mode with wifi and bluetooth turned off. What is your view on EMF risk? If it is risky, should we invest in EMF blockers or EMF diffusers? How do we find reputable companies for blockers and diffusers?

Vertigo and tinnitus

Please consider an episode on vertigo (not dizziness), tinnitus and all things ear health related. I listened to July 21 on hearing and balance, but hoping you could expand more deeply on what vertigo is, causes, how to resolve it (if possible), and how to prevent it (if possible). And along those lines defining tinnitus and if there's anything supplement or dietary related that can help. And is there any evidence that this can be caused by COVID (as this is when mine started),. Thank you to all the folks that make Huberman Podcast. Such a valuable resource. And of course Thank you to Dr. Huberman!

Cold plunge and the effects on kidneys

Is it true that cold plunges have a negative effect on Kidneys and is it true that if this happens it makes us age faster by increasing wrinkles and increases hair loss? Supposedly there’s a limit of how much Kidneys can take and if so what is that limit? Tell us more how much in relation there is every time we do a cold plunge for our Kidneys. From another source of information they claim that the Kidneys don’t want to be cold. How much do the Kidneys have to do with our over health and aging?

How much does fiber (insoluble and/or soluble) actually affect absorption?

If one is tracking macro/micro nutrients and calories, how much should one take into account the impact of fiber intake? e.g. does the fiber of quinoa decrease the absorption of protein from the quinoa? If so, would that same fiber decrease the protein intake of a steak? Or calories, other nutrients, etc?