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Optimizing Brain Rhythms for Study in Students

For college students, what are the optimal brain wave rhythms and their locations to maximize productivity and influence the desired results. What is the ideal balance of beta, alpha, and theta waves, and how can it be achieved?

Hormetic Benefic for a bad night of sleep

Is there any evidence that suggest that being one or two night awake or sleeping less time than normal, could have some hormetic in the body?, like exercises does A question for a pharmacist from spain, Thanks for all your work and effort.

General question on site navigation

Where can I find the transcripts?

Tips on Dealing with ADHD Med Shortage

Are there any supplements or protocols that could help ease the withdrawal effects of getting off a stimulant (Vyvanse 30mg) and mimic its benefits?

Aerobic, anaerobic, endurance exercise protocol (Andy Galpin series)

I'm 63 yo. Go to gym 4 to 5x/wk. I've listened to the 1st of the 6 and now on 2nd podcast series w. Dr. Andy Galpin. I want to be efficient at the gym (not a warrior or heavy lifter; I've had lumbar fusion). I got a little confused listening as there's a lot of content (great content). Question: Long Duration/Steady State can be 30 minutes at submax work without any breaks - IS THERE A TARGET HR ASSOCIATED WITH THIS OR IS IT JUST A PLACE WHERE YOU WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO HOLD A CONVERSATION? I walk on a treadmill for 40 minutes at incline of 15 and speed 3 (I realize treadmills vary). I also use the stair machine. (I've been using a "fat burning" protocol - and now I know that's sort of a myth, but either way that's what I've been doing). DID I UNDERSTAND THAT I CAN ALSO WORK INTO AN ANAEROBIC PROTOCOL AS AN EXTENSION OF THE 30 MINUTE AEROBIC - example after 30 minutes on stair machine at steady state, work into an interval program, at 30 - 45 sec (or 120 sec) to get to max HR, then go down to a very low level for 5 minutes or so, and repeat. IF THAT IS A GOOD PROTOCOL, HOW MANY TIMES FOR THE INTERVALS - DID I UNDERSTAND CORRECTLY THAT ONE IS FINE OR IS THERE AN OPTIMAL NUMBER? ALSO HOW MANY TIMES PER WEEK? I got confused by that on the podcast. AND LASTLY: THE MAX AEROBIC CAPACITY: 8 TO 15 MINUTES HOLDING MAX HR? IS THAT THE RIGHT IDEA? AND IF SO, HOW MANY TIMES PER WEEK. my apologies in advance if my questions are wordy and confusing. I just want to get this part clear and efficient as I also do muscle strength training - my weakest protocol as I'm all over the place and those questions will come after I listen to more of the podcast series. I appreciate your taking the time to read this.