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Time Restricted Feeding, weight, and cravings. Backfire?

I have been following TRF for about 18 moths with an average 4-6 hour feeding window. Initially the pounds were melting away. I had also started watching my macro intake at the same time. It was a wonderful combination. However in the past 6 months my weight has gone up even while still following my recommended macro intake. I have not been able to come down to where I was. I also noticed my end of the day food cravings are much harder to curb. Does TRF ever backfire? Is it possible to grow a tolerance to it and then it's harder to experience the same benefits?

How to Look at the Sun

You talk a lot about "getting sunlight in your eyes," I have not come across you explaining exactly HOW you do this. Are you focusing your retina straight at the sun (with UV index of 2 or less), are you looking unfocused directly at the sun while squinting, are you focusing your eyes somewhere in the sky near the sun (if so how many degrees away), are you reading a book while sun shines onto your eyeballs from the periphery? or the same while looking at your phone? HOW do you get your morning sun???


Could you do a show/discussion about wearables?

Sauna breathold euphoria

Took about a 9-10 week break from regular sauna sessions; this is my second time, with the last one being 2 days ago. I did the following: dry sauna at around 85°C for 23 minutes before holding my breath and counting heartbeats. Felt the pulse fluctuate from high to low and then high again. Experienced a euphoric/internal glow sensation after around 80 heartbeats. Lasted for about 30-60 seconds after exhaling, resumed normal breathing at around 100 heartbeats. Is it dangerous? What's happening? Huge fan, thank you so much Fredrik

The scent of stress.

I've noticed that my body emits a distinct odor when stressed. Further, depending on the type of stress, it can be different. For example, what I consider to be very bad stress, like being overworked and sleep deprived, has a distinct scent. Other "better" types of stress, such as backcountry camping with high physical output in harsh conditions, also have a distinct scent, different from normal sweating. The scent produces by "better" stress seem to smell more pleasant and sweeter to me, although this is anecdotal. What are the underlying mechanisms behind the different types of odor, and also if possible please speak to my own perception of them.