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Caffeine and Fasting

I am currently going through OMAD fasts every day and would occasionally (once every two weeks) do a 48-hr fast for longevity, metabolism, fat-loss, and autophagy effects. I have also been ingesting/drinking in rotation multiple types of caffeine such as yerba mate, guayusa, coffee, and green tea. Which of these caffeine types (or other caffeines) are most compatible with these prolonged fasts?

Active recovery

How do you feel about light cardio the day after leg day to promote blood flow?

Difference between saunas

What is the difference between a regular sauna & infra-red do they both reduce inflammation and have longevity benefits ?

HIIT for premium members

I think there should be a weekly, if not monthly, HIIT W/U (workout) posted for premium members. This can be written or as a video. This would be something I would consider keeping the $10 membership for.

SEX & how to keep having great sex in monogamy

Why does sex get boring/stale with long term partners? How can we keep it exciting? What should woman (and men) be on the lookout for what affects us wanting, and not wanting, to have sex.