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Hair thining

Does the thickness (diameter) of our hair diminish as we age. Is there anything that can be done to prevent this?

Biofeedback - How to self test dopamine levels

Can you discuss how ( the actual testing process ) you test one's dopamine levels - establish the baseline, monitor the highs & lows etc. ? Are there any coralations with dopamine levels & brain wave /states ie: alpha beta delta etc. Could a self help biofeedback device be developed to monitor dopamine levels real time for biofeedback --- maybe something similure to The Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) small device that measures your blood glucose in real-time. @ Your

Dysautonomia and/ or POTS ( postural orthodontic tachycardia syndrome

Hi Andrew My question is about any tips for someone suffering Dysautonimia , with that Fatigue , whole body pain ..You literally have changed my life into a functional one by me applying many of your advises re learning to regulate my autonomous nervous system. However I am unable to pass any of it on to my loved one, who suffers this . Things I do ( early sunlight , cold exposure , dopamine tips ect..) just aren’t possible for her . Do you have any advise ? I know you are not a doctor, but still you might have some advice. I am really grateful to you Claudia

Effects of sugar on body and health

Could you please do a similar episode like the ones discussing alcohol, nicotine or cannabis, but with sugar? The short term effects and long term health problems. Thank you in advance and keep up the great work A fan from germany

Uncontrolled sweating

Trauma at age 5 of mother dying- intrigued with how this in turn has wired me in life. Pushing into all Neuro-plasticity and rewiring to have a better and different life. I’ve been very fearful and have always had intense axillary hyoerhydrosis. I can tell it’s nervous sweat my nervous system kicks on no matter what I am unable to control it trying all your techniques with breathing B1 supplement/ B vitamins in general and all the anti-anxiety things that you talk about . Never have done any Botox injections or anything. I come from a fairly holistic approach as much as possible. I wondered if there was any other thought you would have on how to get this under control a little better. I am 41 year old woman I’m not really embarrassed anymore at this point I just have a black wardrobe because it’s so intense I’m soaked all the time with sweat! Thank you!