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Mouth taping

Could you please discus mouth taping? The risks and benefits of mouth taping. The practice of mouth taping has profoundly changed the way I sleep for the better and I would like your thoughts on it.


Honest question requiring an honest answer: Is it really bad to binge on Netflix if it's only done on occasions that don't interfere with neither duties nor healthy lifestyle? Yes, I've read Dr. Lembke's book.


Are there genetic causes that could affect whether or not a person has a normal or sufficient amount of Niagen? If there are could you please identify some of them?

Minds of the generations

How are brains changing across the generations? Is there anyone researching brains across time with the increased use of technology? I am asking about this as I have concerns about how AI is impacting (reducing/changing) the human species' ability to think and what that means in the long term… are there certain parts of the brain that will atrophy? Is anyone else worried about future generation's cognitive development?

Teaching neuroscience (to the general public)

Would you ever consider teaching short online “beginner” neuroscience courses? Thanks