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Intermittent fasting and night shift

I work 12 hour shifts in the emergency room from 7pm to 7am. My schedule is 6 days on, 8 days off. My question is…is it better to keep the same fasting schedule on my days off as on my days on? For example, keep my feeding window of 2pm to 10pm even on the days I’m working from 7pm to 7am. Or would it be. Better to have two separate feeding windows, one for my days off, one for my days on. For example days off would be 2pm-10pm and days on would be 10pm- 6am. Thank you

Vision sensory receptors

Hi Andrew, I have read the paragraph at the bottom in the book Strangers to Ourselves: Discovering the Adaptive Unconscious by Timothy D. Wilson. I have no idea what studies he has this data from, but there are 3 facts that he is stating. First, our senses take in more than 11 million pieces of information each second. The second one, of those 11 million, 10 million of them are received from our eyes and sent to the brain. The third fact is that we can only consciously process 40 pieces of information each second. Of those 3 facts, I'm most interested in knowing if the first 2 are true. Thank you for all you doing here, it is much appreciated. Anders "Our five senses are taking in more than 11,000,000 pieces of information. Scientists have determined this number by counting the receptor cells each sense organ has and the nerves that go from these cells to the brain. Our eyes alone receive and send over 10,000,000 signals to our brains each second. Scientists have also tried to determine how many of these signals can be processed consciously at any given point in time, by looking at such things as how quickly people can read, consciously detect different flashes of light, and tell apart different kinds of smells. The most liberal estimate is that people can process consciously about 40 pieces of information per sec-ond."

The Effects of BCAAs on Insulin Resistance

Could you explore the relationship between BCCAAs and insulin resistance? Many supplement with whey derived protein powders to meet their daily requirements. However, whey protein also has a significant amounts of BCCAs which can cause insulin resistance. Also, are there any protein powders that do not have BCAAs? Or is there a way to negate the insulin resistance that may develop from the use of protein powders? Thank you.

Accutane effect on brain

I have been prescribed isotretinoin (Accutane) for severe acne, but there are concerns about its impact on the brain, particularly the hippocampus and cortex, and its potential effects on memory and cognitive function. I would greatly appreciate your expert opinion on whether isotretinoin can indeed have such effects.

Fecal Transplant For Mental Health issues

What are your thoughts on FMT for mental diseases. There are many evidence that substantiate its benefits on bipolar and OCD.