Barefoot running, including in barefoot/minimalist shoes, remains popular and purportedly has various health benefits. Is there any science to support throwing out our old shoes and switching to wider shoes? I'd be very interested in an episode on the science of barefoot running or foot anatomy and foot health more generally.
Too many analytics show poor vitamin D levels in different countries, even places with a lot of sun hours. Is there data on how many sun hours are needed to reach a health vitamin D level? I know this depends on the time of day, moment of year, latitude and skin type, but it might be some reference data. Are there any other body parameters that hinder the capacity of sun absorption and hormone conversion such as minerals, autoimmune illness or diet? Can vitamin D supplement be counterproductive in some way for healthy people or people with autoimmune illness?
Can cold shower increase stress level, anxiety and cortisol level? I am taking cold showers for almost 2 years (4-7/week, 2-5min). I am able to focus better, an not so sleepy and have the energy to go through the day. I noticed though I am stressed, tense and sometimes waking up after 4-5h of sleep (7h is my average sleeping time) and could not fall back asleep. I started to wonder whether cold showers can have any negative sides? It causes adrenaline release, so it could make some sense. Would appreciate your help here. Have a great day and thank you for everything you're sharing with the world!
A friend of mine did a lot of binge drinking since 16-17 (legal drinking age is 16 in our country...), smoked pot in college (21-24) and experimented with XTC and cocaine around 24. He stopped when he developed generalized anxiety disorder at 24-25 and now struggles with focus, planning,... etc. What is the best way to recover from drugs abuse at a young age? My friend is considering hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Is it worth the cost?