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Blood work - explained

Hi Would you consider doing an episode on routine bloodwork? I would like to understand the various things that are being tested and what to do if a number is considered elevated. Thank you!

Caffine restricts blood flow to the brain?

I had seen a live study on YT. A doctor showed the news person how her brain blood flow was before morning coffee and then moments (enough time for it to get into the system) that it reduced blood flow to the brain by 40%. is this accurate? If so, could taking something like vinpocetine help counter the effect?

Full Body MRI

You state that you do a full body MRI annually. There are many shops popping up offering this service like ezra, Prenuvo and simonONE. They are slightly different. Which one do you use and why? Also, there are those that say not to get a full body vs more specific MRI's because the full body doesn't provide the same level of resolution as a specialized MRI. Is that the case?

Options to remove Gal Stones

What are the best options to remove (and avoid / reduce effect) gal stones other than to remove the bladder ? Thank you, Peter

Stroke Recovery

is Etanaercept good for spacisity in calf muscle/foot and dystonia in hand/arm following a stroke 2 years ago. Is stem cells therapy also a good option for treatment? I guess what I'm asking is what would you recommend for some recovery results. (I have been doing rehab for the last 4 weeks as well as getting some botox into the areas but as I'm in Australia I don't have access to a lot of the treatment options available in the US)