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Generalized anxiety disorder

Would it be possible to do a deep dive episode on generalized anxiety disorder?

TMS, neurofeedback and other at home devices

In recent podcasts, you have talked about transcranial magnetic stimulation quite a few times. There are some devices on the market that can be used at home, like Hapbee or NeoRhytm (OmniPemf) that use magnetic stimulation. It would be cool if you could discuss the peer reviewed science behind these devices. Similarly, for neurofeedback there are devices like Mendi or Muse headband that proclaim to train your brain. Are these safe and trustworthy? Thanks!

LASIK eye surgery

What are some of the pros and cons with eye surgery ? How can getting eye surgery at an early age affect eye sight later on in life ? How can getting eye surgery later in life affect vision in the next years ? I am 25 contemplating eye surgery but not aware of the possible damage it can cause later on in life.

Autoimmune diseases-genetic?

I had alopecia which is thankfully dormant now, but my mum has had Hashimoto's thyroiditis for years & recently diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Is it genetic? Can it be controlled significantly with diet? I hear "mediterranean diet" but dont quite understand how/why it'd work in order to apply the change properly to control the seemingly increasing inflamation in my mum's body- & she hates being on such strong medications.

Manifesting and dopamine cycle

From your podcast with Jordan Peterson I learned: the "prefrontal cortex as a rule-setting system can adopt new rules for reward release in the brain" Adopting rules like "fasting is good for me" can influence the dopamine system. I'm looking for scientific literature related to these topics. Can you provide a few titles I can learn from?