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Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective disorder.

My question is "can you please do an episode on Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective disorder (like the ones you did on Bipolar and depression)." Although medication is important for these conditions, many struggle (myself included) and could use some daily protocols based in science and not just trying whatever they can find on youtube even with the medication. The side-effects of these medications are awful as well so reducing dependency on them would significantly improve my quality of life. I am specifically looking for protocols to avoid (for instance in the podcast about marijuana you recommend people with psychosis to avoid), protocols to do and maybe give a better explanation of what the conditions actually are. (Not all of us are walking the streets talking to ourselves)

Bovine colostrum

Several friends are now taking bovine colostrum (and specifically ARMRA) and they say they feel great and really notice a different in joint pain, hair and nails etc. Have you looked into the research and if so would you share your thoughts?

How to get rid of a cough?

When i get sick it generally ends with a cough which sometimes lasts for weeks. How to get rid of this cough? thanks!

Development of awareness and control for bowel movement and urination

Around minute 51 of the episode with Dr. Sara Gottfried, you mention that you believe that babies indicate distress prior to having a bowel movement. I would love to hear more especially about when kids develop awareness and control for both bowel movement and urination. There seems to be a disconnect between western experts and how toileting is approached in most parts of the world. Most in the west believe caregivers need to wait for signs for readiness in children before pursuing any type of toilet "training/learning" whereas in other parts of the world process starts much earlier as caregivers can tell, either based on indications from child or from timing (such as after wakeup or a feed), that the child needs to go.

Bulk Supplements

A popular brand of supplements on Amazon is "Bulk Supplements". They offer low prices and basically a bag or bottle of something. What have you heard, positive or negative about them as an option? THANKS