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Uterine Fibroids/Female Hormones

Hi Dr Huberman, would you please do an episode dedicated to Female hormones only and uterine fibroids. I know in almost every podcast, there is mention of testosterone. Specific Questions: 1. Any Autoimmune disease link of uterine fibroids or genetics? 2. vegan diet (which is typically high in processed and protein intake mainly soy or lentils- high in phytoestrogens) how it impacts on estrogen dominance vs regulation? About 20 percent to 80 percent of women develop fibroids by the time they reach age 50. And most young females suffering from fibroids go through hell almost every month. And still there is lot of chaotic old basic information/treatment available- Birth control/hysterectomy. Please an episode solely on this. Thankyou for all your work !


I would love a deeper dive on peptides. Specifically semaglutide and maybe some of the ones targeted at injury healing. Looking for summary of safety information and just the general overview of peptides and their uses and cautions. Basically a typical Huberman lecture on peptides. Thanks!

Loneliness, whether perceived or actual and impacts

Loneliness, how it effects moods, physiology, neurology and capacity to function in life. Can one build resilience? Does everyone feel lonely? Whether perceived loneliness has the same impact as actual loneliness.

Any hacks for people with 2 Apoe4 genes??

I have 2 APOE4 genes. I’m already 61 years old with very high cholesterol. I just started taking nmn, do aerobic exercise a few days a week, don’t eat meat, etc. #1-are there any clinical trials going on that I can join? #2-any new discoveries on warding off Alzheimer’s? #3-any hacks that you might know of?? Thank you!!!!!!


I have had problem staying asleep. I have been on trazadon 50mg for a little over a year. I tried the 3 supplements you have suggested but was not successful. I’m one of your episodes, the doctor said it was not good to be on trazadon daily. What are the reasons and how can I get off? I have tried yoga nidra and it seems to make a little difference. I had deviated septum corrected last year and breathing seems to be much better and I do not fit into normal sleep apnea category (overweight). I don’t drink or smoke and do get exercises. I’m in the process of finding a doctor who can do sleep studies. I would appreciate any input you have. Thank you!