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What is the latest on the link between anticholinergic drugs and cognitive decline/dementia? How can you know which drugs and supplements are anticholinergic? There seems to be misinformation about mirtazapine, for example with different sources saying no anticholinergic effect, mild effect and strong effect!

Covid and cardiac symptoms

There seem to be quite robust anecdotal reports in Australia of a wave of patients admitted to cardiac wards who were previously healthy, but who then had covid vaccines, then Covid and then antivirals. What is the best current information in the US/world?

Methylene Blue yay or nay?

It's been trending on Twitter since last year. There are two very influential camps: CAMP 1 = health experts and coaches who say it's one of the best supplements you can take (for vitality, health and cognition) CAMP 2 = health experts and coaches who think it's dangerous Please unpack this for us all. Doing so will meaningfully impact A LOT of lives (one way or the other).

Women and Credibility

Hello, I wonder if you might highlight women who do what you do to help them gain credibility. I am not a person who gets all bothered about men making more than women, etc. However, I have noticed as a mental health professional, that when women say the same information as a man, they are often dismissed as too radical, emotional, or not credible. It makes it very hard for me to make a change in the way the average mental health provider delivers therapy in their offices, and because I have so many clients coming to me after years of working with another therapist only to see no change; I am passionate about changing the dominate paradigm that Universities and training programs are creating in the millions of therapy offices across the nation.


Hello I am a 39yr old female who recently found out that i have severe pulmonary hypertension with severely elevated pulmonary artery pressure of 79mmHg. I am wondering if you have any insight on ways to reverse this condition and our ways to make it manageable to live a normal life. I have an infrared sauna and cold plunge and also wonder how to safely incorporate that into my daily routine. I was a very active mountain biker and hope to get back to that but not sure as I cant really do anything but rest at the moment. I have past drug and alcohol use and am not sure if that is the cause but I recently got married and I'm not ready to give up. There doesn't seem to be a lot of positive information out there but any insight or knowledge you have could help and its worth a try. Thank you so much