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Ketosis & Visceral Fat

Has there been studies or results that support the idea that while fasting (being in state of ketosis, maybe measured with urine keto sticks) has a beneficial effect on loosing visceral fat?

Daily protein for M/F - targets vs too much/too little

I would appreciate hearing your input on daily target amounts of protein for men and women (along with support resources). As a 53 year old woman focused on maintaining muscle as I age, I try following the science related to protein targets in alignment with your ideal body weight, activity levels/types, etc. (ranges from .8 g per kg to 1.6/1.8 g per kg to 2.0/2.2 g per kg). This article just popped up in my newsfeed and I'm curious as to your initial thoughts on it along your thoughts on who much is too much versus too little on a daily basis as we age (especially given various - and often competing info - out there this topic, e.g., Mediterranean, plant-based, etc. diets). Thank you for making science accessible, digestible (pun intended/not intended), and fun.

Chris Nowinski

Would love to see you chat with fellow neuroscientist Chris Nowinski about the effects of TBI and the current research around CTE in physical/combat sports.


Any plans to train up a HubermanLLM with all your content, and the cited articles / reearch? While we all love the X hour long deep dives, I'm guessing I'm not the only one who wants to query across all your content and get a synthesized, pithy set of clips, citations and action steps. (If you need a small coding team to pull this off, and an investor, ping me!)

The Airway

I see many patients with compromised airways in our dental practice, which in turn leads to many, many heath issues. Can you get an expert about the airway to explain why getting issues diagnosed and corrected is so important? The book by James Nestor, Breath is a must read. Will only take you a couple of hours. Very entertaining. A lab at Stanford actually participated in the his narrative about his personal experience. I don’t think he is the expert you want but hopefully someone who can speak well to the subject. P.S. The croissants at Manresa Bread in downtown Campbell (CA) are the best