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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Blood Testing

In the context of optimizing health and performance through blood testing, what is your perspective on where these tests should be conducted for the most accurate and beneficial results? Should we opt for tests performed under the supervision of a medical doctor in a clinical setting, or are at-home testing kits, where samples are collected personally and mailed in, equally reliable? Additionally, could you provide guidance on which specific minerals, vitamins, hormones, etc., should be prioritized in these tests? Lastly, once we have our results, how can we effectively interpret them to discern whether they fall within healthy ranges or indicate areas of concern? Best, Simon Burger (Munich)

Red light therapy

How effective is red light therapy? Does it provide varying benefits on different parts of the body? I am particularly interested in a product called "Neurowrap," which wraps around the head and is advertised as capable of improving sleep and concentration and elevating mood. Would a product like this that shines red lights on one's head actually provide the benefits of the Neurowrap?

Neuroscience trend

What’s happening in the world of neuroscience that us normal plebs haven’t seen yet? What are some new trends you are really excited about? VR for mice? Advancements in Alzeihmer’s research? Huberman-ization of America 🫣?

Dopamine Pool? Where does it come from?

Where is the dopamine pool stored and how what processes happen chemically / biologically for it get refilled ("you need to wait" is not an answer ;-)? I am struggling to fully understand the “wave pool” analogy, especially as it is a ‘non-infinite yet renewable” resource, as you say in your conversation with Jocko.

Australia neuroscience

Can you tell us a little bit about your visit to Australia? You had a week between Melbourne and Sydney: whom did you meet? What did you learn? Anything special about Australia (not talking beaches, coffee and wine here..) (NB: Sydney Opera House was great!)