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Rhodiola, Resistance Training and Sleep

If I take Rhodiola before an evening resistance training workout, will it negatively affect my sleep?


Hi there! I know you've done a small blurb on Kava for anxiety, but requesting if you'd be willing to look at it more deeply? There's conflicting evidence about its potential negative effects on the liver. I'm noticing Kava bars opening up (with fun names like Kavasutra) and prepackaged drinks in the stores. I tried some at a kava bar and can attest that the effects were very similar to MDMA - but smaller and only lasting an hour at most. I'm wondering if it is as safe as these companies would have me believe. (Especially when I see the same bar serving Kratom). So, would you please help us understand if this is safe or if there are down sides to large doses per one evening done occasionally? Lots of appreciation, Juls

Your views on how the podcast can bridge science and modern life

Your podcast has been an inspiration on many levels. I think it marks a potential shift in the public view of science and how much more of an influence it can have in our lives, decisions and future. I think people are searching for realness and neutrality as our world becomes more divided and opinionated. You and your podcast play a critical bridging function in public understanding and interest in science. It feels like we could be on the verge of a surge in science both in sense of discovery and also public support. It's beautiful. I'd love to see science support more in the spheres of public health/policy/education/etc. Is there anything you can comment on about this and what you see can happen as a result of your podcast and what it has opened and bridged between scientific community and the broader public? What is the best case scenario from your perspective? Thank you for your interest in humanity! With love, Ellen

What needs to better studied/understood about the brain/body to ensure we can safely design emerging technologies?

It's exciting to see the advancements in AI and medicine. I'm thinking about how incorporating machines into our brain/body could have negative impacts or 2nd order effects which we did not foresee.... what is your advice to people in the field of Neuroscience/BCI to get ahead of this and better understand our brains/bodies to ensure we design these types of machines (that interact with our body/brain) with the future in mind. Thank you for your interest in humanity! With love, Ellen

Best instrument to measure VO2 max

I want to measure my progress in building VO2 max. What instruments do you recommend, outside of a laboratory setting...THANKS