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Food Noise

How can you get rid of the constant thoughts of food? Is this able to go away? Do pharma drugs like ozempic and semiglutide help with this? I have struggled my entire life with yo-yo dieting and I just wish I didn't think about food so much. Thanks for all you do Xo

The Symphony in Our Synapses: Unraveling the Impact of Constant Musical Engagement on the Brain

Dr. Huberman, your insightful exploration of neuroscience and its practical applications has been incredibly enlightening. I find myself immersed in music almost every moment of the day, to the extent that it shapes not only my waking life but also invades my sleep, often causing me to wake up with a song persistently playing in my mind. Given your expertise, I'm curious about the neurobiological underpinnings of this phenomenon. How does our brain process and retain music so powerfully that it can dominate our thought patterns, even in sleep? I would also be interested in understanding if this constant engagement with music influences our neural plasticity, emotional regulation, and cognitive functions over time. Could this intense and continuous auditory stimulation be cultivating unique neural pathways, enhancing our brain's architecture, or potentially overburdening it?

Overstimulated from the influx of screen time and relationships

How does a young woman in her thirties overcome her emotionally traumatic past and pursue her passion for psychology?

Gene testing for medication - real or bogus?

I see ads for genetic tests that help target the best medications. I would be happy to pay if these tests are valid as we are considering medication for my son who has ADHD. (My husband currently uses Adderall, but he hasn't tried other options and I am not convinced it is the best option.) Thanks!

Collagen supplements and osteoporosis

What form of collagen supplements are most beneficial and do they or anything actually, help with osteoporosis? Thank you 😊