Curious to get your thoughts on PSSD. As people are becoming more and more aware of the long lasting damages SSRI’s can cause on people’s sexual and cognitive function, do you have any insight on the cause of PSSD? Or possibly any treatment people that are suffering with it can try?
Dear Andrew I am looking for you expertise on a study completed on Leptin🙏🏼. In the study they are looking at Zenith a supplement and its effects on fat loss and adipocytikines in caloric-restricted and exercising overweight women. The scientist defended his product for 14 years in Court🤯. The study was conducted on women and it was a DBPC design. The women were randomized and the duration was eight weeks and subjects were 22 ranging. They use dexoscans to measure fat loss. The study was completed by the Human Performance Laboratory at the University of Connecticut by William Kramaer, Maren Fragala, Disa Hartfield, amongst others. Study: Fargala M et al. Influences of a dietary supplement in combination with exercise and diet regimen on adipocytokines and adiposity in women who are overweight. Eur J Appl Physiolo 2009; 105:665-72 I would love to hear your feedback in terms of this... I work with a lot women where this is a constant struggle, especially amongst the more seasoned ones (40-65 yrs). Here are more detail from the UCONN: I am really curious if this is something promising AND another tool that can be implement with our women... In Advance, Thank youuu for keeping interested on science and for leading me to be resourceful with mechanism and tools!!!🙌🏽🧠🤓