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Redox Molecules

Hi Dr. Huberman, Thanks for all that you do! Do you have any insight into the craze about Redox Signaling molecules that companies like Asea are marketing? Thanks for your input!

Why does the sun make me sneeze?

When I view bright light like the sun (could be less bright), I always sneeze upon the initial viewing of the light.

Healing tendon injuries

How do you accelerate the healing process for tendons after an acute injury? How do you accelerate healing in general?

Accutane damage on brain

I have been prescribed isotretinoin (Accutane) for severe acne, but there are concerns about its impact on the brain, particularly the hippocampus and cortex, and its potential effects on memory and cognitive function. I would greatly appreciate your expert opinion on whether isotretinoin can indeed have such effects.

Microwave Harmful

Are there any disadvantages to reheating food in the microwave? Is it harmful? Are nutrients lost or does the food change in any way?