As someone who currently is going through PSSD. A condition caused by a commonly prescribed drug: SSRIs. Would you be able to explain the mechanism behind such a condition? I took Luvox for 6 years for OCD and depression, in those 6 years I was perfectly fine. Emotions and sexuality were in tact. Unfortunately to regain more of my libido I took it into my own hands to just cold turkey my medication. I thought maybe it wasn’t really doing anything at all. As soon as I did I developed depersonalization, panic attacks and a complete loss of emotions and libido. It was like my brain couldn’t connect to my genitals and my body’s reaction to things was gone. I couldn’t feel romance for my partner, or a connection to my family. Could you explain why SSRis do this? And why no one is researching this life destroying condition? There were times I couldn’t even laugh and it felt like I cognitively declined to the point I didn’t understand social cues. What would you recommend for treatments? As someone who admires you and your informative talks, could you please warn others of PSSD? I never knew this could happen to me before taking SSRIs.