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What kind of water is best to drink daily?

There’s mineral water, spring water, tap water, filtered tap water, and probably a lot more. Does it make a difference which water we choose to drink daily? Obviously different types have different contents, but what is it exactly we are looking for the most in water? Are there any credible studies on that?

Beta blockers

Hi, I currently take a beta blocker 160mg at night to help with migraines. Although reading into how they work, they seem to affect the body's reaction to stress by blocking adrenaline. I am currently sitting my accountancy professional exams so dedicate a lot of time to studying. My question relates to beta blockers and their interaction with adrenaline, do they negatively affect your ability to learn? As a majority of the tools to learn faster/improve memory revolve around raising your adrenaline. Thank you

Migraine Headaches

I was wondering if you could do an episode on migraine headaches and chronic migraine. Are there any new studies that you could tell us about that shed light on the cause of migraines? Are there any studies that show protocols or supplements to prevent migraines or ease the pain associated with them? New treatments? Could you talk about about migraine aura? I’d also love to hear about the link between migraines and mental health. Thank you!

Chronic Migraine

Hi! Am

Sauna + cold immersion

A friend of mine, and myself experience a side effect from cold immersion following sauna. I just want to clarify we’re not doing any harm - as well as what exactly may be happening. Sometimes I experience involuntary lifting of my gaze while in the cold water. Not sure to consider this Nystagmus or Oscillopsia or what. It occurs shortly after entering the cold, and I do not submerge my head (to rule out any thermogenic influence on inner ear canal). If I focus my gaze on a point I don’t notice anything, but if I “zone out” and relax I’ll notice my gaze lifting upwards. I do sauna followed by cold immersion often and experience this rarely, but it’s happened often enough to be curious about the mechanisms behind what may be happening and if it’s a bad effect, or benign. Thank you!!