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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Tool and Protocol Text Summaries for Premium Subscribers?

Is it possible for you to provide Premium Subscribers with a summary of the key notes, various tools and protocols described in each podcast? I most often listen to the podcast when driving (and I'm sure many other subscribers listen while doing tasks where taking notes are not convenient/not possible), so it would be extremely helpful as a refresher if we could go back to a summary rather than having to parse through an entire transcript or re-listen to the podcast. Thanks!

Effects of Sleep Medication

Does using prescribed medication (like low dose Serequel) for sleep still allow us to move through all the cycles properly? Are we still releasing the correct hormones & receiving all the needed benefits? Or are we skipping through those & essentially laying there like a sedated log for 7 hours… Thanks so much for everything!


What, why, and how to treat?

Neurodiverse Inclusivity

What can we do to increase acceptance of neurodiverse individuals? What are their strengths? How can we support them in the work environment and school?

Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder in Children

Kids w sensory processing issues or ASD can be extremely picky eaters. Why is this and what therapies are successful in treating ARFID?