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Central Vein Occulusion

Have you seen any new studies/literature that discuss viable treatment options for people who suffer from CVO's? I have had shots in my eye for about 2 years, and I'm on my 3rd injectable, with minor progress. My ophthalmologist has said that there are really no other options than taking the shots, and hopefully when they work, I'll be weened off of them when they improve the blood moving out of the retina. Love to hear your ideas, plus i wonder if there are other veins in the body that may be impacted, but the veins in the eye are acting as the canary? I have no other heath issues, no diabetes, high blood pressure, etc, however i am a cigarette smoker.

Sleep, Dopamine & Methamphetamine

I have a client who was a former Methamphetamine addict. He can't sleep at night even though he is 10 years sober. None of the supplements help him sleep. Right now the only thing that helps him sleep is THC which, because of his dedication to his sobriety, the desperately want to stop taking. I thought maybe his dopamine has been compromised because of the former methamphetamine use. Your thoughts?

Acute pancreatitis

Hello, my son is 20 and was just diagnosed with acute pancreatitis. He says he eats and drinks a lot of sugar products. He is definitely under weight for his frame. He did mention that the pain went up after vaping nicotine. What would be some protocols He could follow to help heal? Best regards Catrina

chronic lymphocytic leukemia/CLL

Hello, I am 47yo and would consider myself very healthy. This is what drew me to your messaging. I was recently diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. I am at Stage 0, only time will tell, but as someone who does stand down from a challenge; what suggestions do you have for maintaining my health? I do not drink, smoke, no drug use and I eat no processed foods. I have a good balance when it comes to sleep as well. I appreciate your insight!


Hello, which supplements and treatments are good for Dysautonomia? I usually feel fatigued and Lack of energy. I have brain fog all day long and I feel my head is heavy, coupled with anxiety