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Lower temperature Sauna - still effective or useless?

In the episodes about deliberate heat exposure, the range that has been studied seems always to be between 80 and 100 degrees Celsius. Is there data that support benefits of lower temperatures (65-75 degrees Celsius) as well, maybe extending the time spent in the heat?

Long term effect of botox use on brain/nerve health

Neurobiology of flow states

How do we achieve a “flow state” and what does that mean from a biological perspective? Has this been studied? Thank you!

Optimize endurance training while optimizing hypertrophy

Hi and you thank you for everything you do. Big support from Sweden. I would like to hear your opinion on how to optimize endurance training (half marathon/marathon) while at the same training at gym to keep gains and/or increase muscle volume. And also, if you believe there are any benefits for muscle gains by running. I included running (5-10km) 2 times a week to my schedule and I experience that my physique looks much better. Some I experience some kind of synergy. While I also believe you can’t do both since my weight inhibits longer runs (injuries etc. are more profound). Best regards, Andreas Agerstig, Sweden

Joint Health

Advice on old injuries that were not secured appropriately, leading to extended ligaments. Can pressure be applied continuously to “un-lengthen” the ligament? Is there any hope for us in the future to have old musculoskeletal injuries repaired?