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I live in Australia & cant find a compounding company to supply me with BPC-157. I can purchase locally a product that is produced in the USA by Maxlife Naturals. They say that their product is 3rd party tested & that their product does not contain LPS - I am concerned ? Where is safe to purchase & do you know if I can get it in Australia ?

A podcast about the theory of shattered assumptions

Dear, as a Jew living out of Israel I have experienced so much grief and pain since 7. October. I have looked for help in how to heal, listen to your podcasts about grief and how to handle stress, but until I found this article about shattered assumptions theory it was hard. There is not much about this topic online that I have found, but we are so many that got traumatized and after that experienced a shock by how society reacted (or the big silence). Could you please considered bringing a specialist on this topic, and I think it’s relevant for more communities that have experienced collective traumas. I do not recognize my world, I do not find the tools to heals even if I do everything right, like training, eating healthy, surround myself with a few but very good friends, a loving and supportive husband etc. still I am in big grief and have so much pain and sorrow inside. I know I am not alone, but we who live abroad in countries with very few Jews, who used to be part of the left - that so disappointed us, we are in a special situation. So maybe maybe you would consider bringing some light on collective traumas, and also focus on the aspect of experience it outside you community, or with only a small community living I. A place where the majority is against you… 🙏

Enlarged Prostrate

Good afternoon Dr Huberman, I am an otherwise fit and health 58-year-old male. Good, consistent approach to nutrition and training. Other than the dreaded medication, is there anything nutrition, or exercise-related that can be used to reverse an enlarged prostrate? Kind regards, Paul.

Relationship between intermittent fasting and (female) hormone balance

Is there scientific evidence demonstrating a link between intermittent fasting and female hormone balance? If so, how can individuals who have been practicing intermittent fasting for years continue to reap its health benefits without negatively impacting their hormones, especially if they are already imbalanced?

Psoriasis and auto-immune diseases

What are the key recommendations for managing autoimmune diseases, including psoriasis, in terms of lifestyle choices, diet, and treatments? Are there specific studies or evidence-based approaches that suggest effective strategies for either curing psoriasis or achieving remission? If not curable, what are the best methods for managing psoriasis symptoms and minimizing flare-ups?