On Joe Rogan you discussed using near infrared light to benefit eyesight and help slow down the process of macular degeneration. Can you elaborate a little more on this as well as how to get this therapy? How do we know we are purchasing the correct light as there are a lot of products on the market.
What are the Best Systems, CNS, ANS, and/or Organs to Self Massage; All to Self-Regulate and shift one more toward a balanced state when much of the modern world with its Social Contagion of Dysregulation, Inflammation, Food Like Substances, and Bio-sphere that seems to also be Dysregulated. How can an Organism be any healthier than its environment?
In your podcast about aggression you mentioned the connection between Cortisol and Testosterone levels. There was this one research where different professions had been compared. Fireman tend to have higher cortisol levels but less testosterone however when you think of the summer season vs winter it was said that cortisol levels are high in winter, less sun etc contributed to heightened susceptibility towards aggression. It would be very interesting to know how that mechanism works and the relation between cortisol and testosterone. And by the way: is heat contributing to aggression and how? It is widely believed that it does contribute to heightened aggression (especially thinking of it as a possible hazard because of climate change in the future). However when you think of the seasonal susceptibility ist that assumption really reliable?