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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Why does the sun make me sneeze?

When I view bright light like the sun (could be less bright), I always sneeze upon the initial viewing of the light.

Redox Molecules

Hi Dr. Huberman, Thanks for all that you do! Do you have any insight into the craze about Redox Signaling molecules that companies like Asea are marketing? Thanks for your input!

Skinny fat and body re-composition

Hi, I would love to hear your science-backed thoughts on those strruggling with getting rid of skinny-fat body composition. What is the ideal way to approach this as a woman in her 30s? Should I focus first on losing weight (will involve considerable muscle loss as Dr. Norton also explained in his episode) and then focus onmuscle building (eating enough and stregth training)? What would be your protocol or just any tips on many people with sedantary lifestyles who look thin but underneath their t-shirts are hiding a significant amount of belly fat? I know this question has been asked many times on AMA but I don't know if it has been answered! Thanks for all you do and making science accesssible to us all!

TBI from mutation of CACNA1A gene

Is there a way to reverse TBI in the hippocampus caused by a status epilepticus seizure that lasted for 5 days caused by a genetic mutation of the CACNA1A gene?

Not sweating in the sauna (or just about anywhere else)

I'm an endurance runner who practices cold and heat exposure, largely following the exposure principles you've shared in your podcasts on those topics. I've never been a big sweater—even when I'm training hard in summer—but since implementing sauna practice, I have barely shed a bead of sweat. Is this... normal? Worrisome? If the latter, is there anything I can do do ameliorate it? For context: I do about 11 minutes per week of submersion in a cold river (hooray for New England winters). I have primary Raynaud's, and have noticed that my fingers and toes have become much more cold adapted since starting cold exposure about about six months ago. I'm newer to heat exposure. For the last month, I have been doing two-three rounds in an 185-190 degree sauna at 10-12 minutes each. It's unpleasantly hot, of course, but I never sweat during a session—not even when I stay in for upwards of 15 minutes. I'm confused about this, and also wondering if my body's historical response to cold (Raynaud's and how it relates to my core temperature regulation) might have something to do with this. I know that repeated sauna exposure can teach your body to sweat better, but what about the folks who come out dry and fresh? Is there hope for us? Should we even be concerned about it?